Experienced media profile appointed CEO of Vitec Visiolink

Morten Kallmayer will take over as CEO of Vitec Visiolink on April 1st, 2022.

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Experienced profile from both the media and IT business

1st April 2022, Morten Kallmayer takes over the baton as CEO of Vitec Visiolink after founder Jens Funder Berg. Last autumn, Jens Funder Berg announced that he would step down as the CEO of Vitec Visiolink. In a field of strong candidates, the choice fell on Morten Kallmayer to head up Vitec Visiolink in the future.

With his vast experience from both the Media and IT business, Morten Kallmayer is the perfect fit for the role of CEO. He has filled several senior leadership and executive positions at leading Danish media organisations such as Jyllands-Posten, Politikens Lokalaviser, and Sjællandske Medier and knows the media business from the inside. Moreover, he has more than 10 years of experience working in IT.

Vitec Visiolink became part of the Vitec Software Group at the beginning of 2020. But ever since 2007, one of the main tasks to the European media industry – and to Vitec Visiolink – has been to bridge the analogue and digital part of the media business. In the past years, many media companies have had major breakthroughs on their digital platforms. Therefore, it is ever more important that Vitec Visiolink has a visionary CEO like Morten Kallmayer, who has the weight from the media industry, and holds strong knowledge about digital platform developments,” says Gert Gustafsson, COO at Vitec Software Group, owner of Vitec Visiolink.


Vitec Visiolink is a trusted partner to the European media industry

Morten will get a thorough introduction to both customers as well as the Vitec Visiolink product strategy and portfolio to strengthen the position as a trusted partner to the European media industry.

Due to my experience in the media industry, I have known both Vitec Visiolink and Vitec Visiolink’s offerings for several years. Therefore, I know how digital publishing in general, and the ePaper in particular, has tremendous importance to both advertisers and readers – commercially as well as editorially. When I saw that Vitec Visiolink was looking for a new CEO, I knew it was a position I wanted to put myself down for. Together with the Vitec Visiolink team, I look forward to further strengthening innovation within digital publishing and fueling our customers with business opportunities that target the needs of tomorrow,” says CEO Morten Kallmayer.


Founder passes on the baton after more than 15 years

Jens Funder Berg passes on the baton to Morten Kallmayer after more than 15 years at the helm.

Vitec Visiolink has always had a mindset like a media company. During my time in the company, I have had the opportunity to take an active role focusing on innovating as well as enabling media companies to entrust parts of their digital business development to Vitec Visiolink. In the past 10 years, the media industry has been undergoing major changes, and as a trusted business partner, Vitec Visiolink’s primary focus has always been to support the industry by being both an IT supplier and a business model. With Morten Kallmayer on board, I feel certain that Vitec Visiolink can keep its position as a technology and business partner to the established European media industry,” says Jens Funder Berg and continues:

I would like to thank everybody I have met on my Vitec Visiolink journey – current and former employees, customers, and business partners. I look forward to following Vitec Visiolink and the industry from the side.